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We have the founder of Dishes To Delight, writer and lifestyle editor at The Courier, Bre Graham. Bre is known for serving up delicious, seasonal food that's easy to make but always looks like a piece of art on a plate.


Stone Fruit & Summer Berry Crumble

with spiced crumble topping

Just add one ingredient (or more) from each list below to create your own summer crumble. Toss the fruit in a tablespoon of sugar, a little lemon juice, whatever spice you fancy and top it all with my spiced crumble recipe.


Stone Fruit

Peaches, Apricots, Greengages or Plums

Summer Berries

Raspberries, Gooseberries, Blueberries or Blackberries


Bay Leaf, Cinnamon Stick, Fresh Ginger, Cardamom Pods

+ Spiced Crumble

- 150g of plain flour

- 100g of light brown sugar

- 50g rolled oats

- 100g of salted butter

- 1 teaspoon ground ginger

- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

- 1/2 teaspoon of ground cardamom

- Half a teaspoon of fresh nutmeg

- A pinch of sea salt

For the fruit:

Slice the stone fruit in half and half again and toss it together with 1 tablespoon of light brown sugar, the juice of half a lemon and your berries of choice. If you want to use fresh ginger, add that in at the same time as the sugar. Pour the fruit into the dish and if you're using any of the other spices, add them in now too.

For the crumble:

Add all of the crumble ingredients to a mixing bowl and with your fingers rub the butter into the flour, oats, sugar and spices. You want it to all be incorporated and come together like damp sand. Spoon this mix over the fruit and bake it for 40 minutes. When it's ready, the crumble topping will be golden and the fruit bubbling up the edges. Serve with custard or yoghurt for dessert or the best breakfast.

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