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Being Pride Month and Father's Day, we're in conversation with a lovely couple who've been together for over 10 years- we talk to them about their relationship, the strong bond they hold with Terry's lovely children, and their parents.

Tell us a bit about yourselves and what you do.

(Jon) - I'm Jon Bradley and my partner is Terry Wilson. I’m a self employed decorator & DJ/music producer. Terry is a hairdresser with over 40 years of experience, and salon owner of Hair Organics in Notting Hill. We've been together for 16 years.

Terry, What's the best part about being a father?
The best thing about being a father is the fun of seeing my children grow up and develop their careers and finding love, knowing they are there all the time regardless 24/7.
What's surprised you most about fatherhood?
How much money they cost forever! The role reversal that comes with time - you start looking after them and inevitably they will have to help you more.
Have you ever had a conversation with your children about being a gay parent? Did they ever ask you questions themselves?
Yes, of course I had THAT TALK - you have to be brave and have that conversation about coming out - it’s essential for all involved. They were old enough to understand, so it wasn't difficult answering the questions involved.
Jon, could you describe your relationship with your father?
My relationship with my dad is great - It's unconditional love from both directions. There’s a kind of balance when we get together - we have many similar interests and (some) opinions too! Haha, but jokes aside he’s always been very supportive.
Lots of people worry about how their parents would react when they come out. How supportive was your father when you came out?
When I came out to my parents, they gave the best reaction- an honest one - they said they kind of knew but nothing changes - they still love me but I'm sure they would worry about what life may have in store for me.
Jon, if you could go back and talk to your 20 year old self, what would you say?
If I went back to my 20 year old self , I’d say - "Try not to stress too much, things always come right. Embrace the chances you get no matter how random - they will change your life forever and for the better - always go with your gut feeling (it never fails)."


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